Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day America!

Welcomes Baby Pie to The Yabu Line Up  
Happy Memorial Day Everyone in the USA! Today is the day that we honor all the people that serve our country in the war! May god bless them all and thank you for all that you done for us over the years! 
Anyhow moving on I got all excited today to hear Gabby the owner of Baby pie has made 5 outfits for us Yabu Avies! Cute and adorble let me tell you when i seen it, i squeals and jump around and headed home and ran and took off my old clothes and put on this cute Pink lemonade outfit that come with adorble mesh sandles and a cute necklace and fuffy skirt. Gah i am so in love. Anyways Welcome The owner of baby pie to the line up! Hope and cant wait to see what you gonna do in the further.. :D  Happy Monday Everyone!

Body Parts:
Shape:*Oh Daisies* Yabu Shape 0.92 Meters / 3.02 Feet
Skin:*oh Daisies* Rissie Skin (YabuLoonies) Special
Hair: fri. - Carrie - Moody Brown
Eyes:-Belleza- Eyes Mystic
Avatar:< Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar 

*Baby Pie* Pink Lemonade Yabusaka Baby Outfit (found on Marketplace)

Pose:Mp-Model Pose15

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